
How Dentists Treat a Serious Tooth Infection

A serious tooth infection can lead to a lot of problems and will sometimes require antibiotics for tooth infection. It is pertinent to schedule an appointment with your dentist when you first notice tooth pain. When a tooth infection progresses too far, you can lose a tooth. Dentists try to save your tooth with a variety of techniques. You may need to have the abscess drained or take antibiotics. Sometimes a proper filling solves the problem. Severe infections may result in a root canal or extraction. Infections can happen when your tooth or gums are damaged. Proper treatment can quickly relieve pain from an infection. 

Starting Treatment for a Serious Tooth Infection

The first step to recovering from a tooth infection is to get a proper diagnosis. There is usually an underlying cause for a dental abscess. You may have decay, impacted wisdom teeth, or gum disease, for example. Your dentist needs to give you a thorough exam to decide on a tooth infection treatment. A doctor- Houston, TX 77027 can help you treat a tooth infection swollen lymph nodes. 

If you need a filling or crown, the dentist may get the infection under control first. The beginning part of a root canal involves removing the pulp of the tooth. The dentist then cleans the inside of the tooth to prepare it for a filling and crown. If you have an infection, it can delay the filling. Dentists do not want to trap bacteria inside your tooth. 

When to Call the Dentist Houston: Recognizing an Abscess Tooth

It is easy to avoid the dentist, thinking that the paint may stop with home remedies. When you have an infection, however, it you must treat it or remove it. If pain is persistent or worsening, call your walk in dentist near me. There are a few symptoms that can help you recognize a tooth abscess swollen lymph nodes. 

  • Swelling
  • Pain (this can radiate to your neck, jaw, or ear)
  • Bad breath, bad taste in your mouth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Pain while chewing
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • fever

What are the symptoms of a tooth infection?

Look out for pain, sensitivity, and swelling. The pain may move to parts of your face or jaw, as well. If you have a fever, seek emergency care. Bacteria from a severe tooth infection can enter your bloodstream, causing life-threatening sepsis. The professionals at Emergency Dentist near me can diagnose and treat your tooth or gum abscess. 

Causes of Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is caused when bacteria gain access to damaged teeth or gums. Gum abscess treatment may involve draining and removing a foreign object. Things like corn kernels and other sharp foods can become embedded in the gums. This causes your body to fight off the foreign object and leaves an opening for more bacteria to enter. 

How Long Does It Take for a Tooth Infection to Go Away

Teeth with decay are also susceptible to infections. An abscess can form inside your tooth when you when a cavity is left untreated. Cavities compromise the stability of your teeth. The inside is no longer protected from food and germs. Cavities can also form between teeth, as well, causing an abscess in the side. 

What are the typical symptoms of root canal infection?

Look for swelling in the gums, discoloration of the tooth, and pain. A root canal infection involves the central canals of the tooth. Immediate treatment is necessary to keep the infection from spreading further into the tooth. 

Wisdom Tooth Abscess

Wisdom teeth can cause several different problems when they begin to grow in. It is common for them to break through the gum and become stranded due to lack of space. They may also come in crooked. Infections happen when the gums are broken due to the tooth attempting to grow in. Wisdom tooth infection treatment may include a filling or extraction. 

Can infected wisdom teeth cause numbness in the mouth and nose?

Infections from wisdom teeth can spread to other parts of the face and head, although this is rare. Your dentist can determine when you need an extraction to deal with wisdom teeth issues. Be sure to attend routine dental appointments and plan an extra visit if you notice pain. Numbness can happen when teeth move in odd directions, as they may affect the nerves. 

Why does my wisdom tooth smell?

A bad odor is an indication of an infection. Immediate dental treatment is necessary if you notice a bad smell, swelling, or bad taste. 

Common Toothache Causes

Toothaches are often caused by cavities. Infections can also cause dental pain. Severe decay and infections often exist together. When your tooth is damaged from decay, it is easier for bacteria to enter the tooth. If you do not seek treatment from a dentist, decay and infection continue to progress. This can lead to a root canal or extraction. 

Diagnosis of a Periodontal Abscess

Your dentist can easily diagnose a periodontal abscess with a basic exam. This is a pocket of pus in the gums. You may notice this in any of the gum tissue in your mouth. If you have any pain or swelling in your gums, call your 24 Hour emergency dentist near me immediately. These usually cause significant discomfort. Patients may notice pain, bleeding, or a bad taste in the mouth. The are is often sore to the touch and swollen, as well. 

Gum Abscess Treatment

Your dentist may treat your gum abscess with an antibiotic. Often, an abscess is drained in the office immediately after the diagnosis. The dentist may also clean out the area. Many times, the infection is completely eradicated with this method. While draining the abscess, the dentist may also look for a foreign object. Food particles can become trapped under the gums and cause infections. 

Tooth Abscess Treatment and Pain Relief

Once a dental abscess is cleaned out, the pain subsides. If the infection is in the gums, a little soreness may remain while the gums heal. Your dentist can recommend one of the best pain relief treatments for your situation. Most of the time, ice packs or over-the-counter medication works well. With a severe infection, the dentist may prescribe stronger pain medication. 

Possible Complications of Serious Tooth Infections

Tooth infections can move into the bones if treatment is delayed and will require tooth infection treatment. In rare cases, they can move into your bloodstream. This can cause fatal sepsis. The most common complications of an infected tooth are root canal treatment and extractions. If you visit the dentist quickly, however, your oral health is easier to restore and tooth infection pain can be treated. 


A dentist can successfully treat most tooth infections. If you make an appointment soon after you notice symptoms, you may have a better recovery. The dentist can often save the tooth with early treatment. Tooth pain is relieved when the infection clears and the tooth is repaired. Infections in the gums are usually manageable, as well. Make an appointment with an Emergency Dentist to diagnose your tooth pain today.


Are you searching for swollen lymph nodes tooth infection or tooth infection recovery time? Book your appointment with URBN Dental now. A tooth infection is usually painful and can lead to a tooth extraction. It is important to get help quickly so the dentist can save your tooth. When decay or a tooth infection progresses, the damage can become irreversible. It is necessary to either clean out the infection or take an antibiotic. Sometimes a dentist recommends both tactics to make sure the tooth is clear of problems. A gum abscess is often drained so the dentist can also look for a foreign object. A small piece of food, such as a popcorn kernel, can become stuck in the gums. This can start the infection because it causes a cut. Call the dentist as soon as you notice pain and symptoms from a tooth infection. In rare cases, a tooth infection can spread and become dangerous. An abscess can also move into you bones, causing damage. You may need a filling, root canal, or extraction to restore your oral health. A severe infection can cause swelling in the lymph nodes or parts of your face. If your nerves are affected, you can experience some numbness. You can not remedy a tooth infection with pain medication. This only masks the symptoms; it is not a long-term solution. Until you have proper treatment, the infection can bacteria can multiply and bacteria can spread. In order to save your tooth or restore your gums, fast intervention is necessary. Many dentists make sure to fit patients in on an urgent basis if they suspect an abscess. Visit your dentist regularly to prevent infections. 
