
Broken Tooth Abscess Symptoms and Causes

Are you suffering from a broken tooth infection symptoms? Our highly skilled dentists at URBN Dental are here to help. You can break a tooth in several ways. Many times, a tooth that breaks is already in poor condition. A perfectly healthy tooth, however, can break when you bite down on something hard, or experience an injury. Once a tooth becomes compromised, bacteria can easily enter and cause an abscess. Once the infection sets in, it can expand and cause pain. You may notice pain, swelling, or sensitivity to hot and cold. Call your dentist for an appointment as soon as you notice pain or discomfort. 

Recognizing a Broken Tooth Abscess

When you have a broken tooth abscess, your symptoms may present as mild discomfort at first. A cracked tooth infection may have started if you know the tooth is already cracked tooth abscess. Sometimes you need time to prepare for your broken tooth repair. An abscess can begin while you wait for treatment. You can also have cracks in teeth that are not very noticeable. You may not realize the tooth is damaged until you get an infected broken tooth. If you are experiencing tooth abscess symptoms, it may include some of the symptoms below: 

  • Facial swelling or swelling in the gums
  • Pain
  • Problems when chewing food
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Jaw pain or headache
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Sudden fever
  • Broken tooth, no pain

What Causes an Abscess Tooth?

Bacteria cause dental abscesses. Bacteria can enter a tooth after an injury or tooth decay damages it. Your white blood cells try to fight the bacteria, causing a pocket of infection in your cracked tooth or swollen gum. An abscess can also form in your jawbone. 

What Are The Tooth Abscess Stages?

Below are the main tooth abscess stages:

  • Enamel decay
  • Dentin decay
  • Infection of the pulp
  • Abscess formation
  • Tooth loss
  • White spots

Tooth Abscess Treatment

It is important to get treatment quickly for a dental abscess. A dentist can often save your tooth when you get help while it is still small. If your abscess is in the gum line, your dentist may drain the pocket of fluid and check for a foreign object. A food item embedded in the gums can cause an abscess. You may also need antibiotics to fight the infection. Early intervention with tooth infection treatment can prevent tooth loss and abscesses in the jaw. 

You may get a filling or root canal if the infection resides in your tooth. Your dentist may also give you antibiotics for a tooth abscess to ensure you heal properly before finishing your tooth repair. Many dentists clean the tooth out to prepare for a filling or root canal, then send patients home for a few days. This way, the dentist can ensure the infection is cleared before sealing your tooth with a filling or crown. Severe infection may lead to an extraction of the tooth. 

Is the only treatment for a periapical abscess tooth removal? 

Most dentists try everything possible to save a tooth before extraction. With a periapical abscess, the dentist may recommend a root canal. Root canals leave your tooth in place, although the tooth is no longer alive. The dentist cleans out the infection and pulp. You may return for a second appointment to get the filling and crown. 

 Gum Abscess Symptoms

You may notice soreness on your gum line when you have a gum abscess. You may also see a swollen spot as the abscess fills with fluid. A gum abscess usually starts when the gums become damaged. This can happen from gum disease or a cut. Sometimes a sharp piece of food cuts the gums and gets stuck. Severe gum disease can also damage the gums. Thin, unhealthy, or receding gums are more susceptible to bacteria. The professionals at Emergency Dentist can help you diagnose and treat a gum abscess. 

What should I do if pus is coming from my gums?

You may see pus from your gums or notice a bad taste in your mouth. Visit a walk-in dentist near me immediately to make an appointment. The dentist may drain the abscess and give you a prescription for an antibiotic. Some dentists also recommend daily salt water or antibiotic rinsing at home after treatment. 

Gum Abscess Treatment

Your dentist must examine you to determine the severity of your gum abscess. If the abscess is only in the gum, your dentist may make a small incision and drain it. You may need a root canal or extraction if it also involves your tooth. Dentists often prescribe antibiotics to take after they drain the abscess. A reputable doctor in Houston, TX 77027 can help relieve your gum abscess pain. 

How to get the right gum treatment for your dental health?

Your general dentist can help you treat gum disease or infection. If you have a fever or severe pain, visit an emergency dental clinic.  

Getting Help for an Abscess Tooth

Call your dentist immediately if you suspect you have an infection in your tooth or gums. Timely tooth abscess treatment improves the chances of saving your tooth. Most dentists only perform a tooth extraction if the tooth or root is severely damaged. A dentist also considers tooth extractions for patients with recurrent infections. 

Your dentist may have you come in for an urgent appointment, so the infection does not worsen. If it is after business hours, call the emergency number to find out what to do. The dentist or nurse can decide if you need immediate care. Call Emergency Dentist near me if you need immediate help for a tooth abscess. 

Emergency Root Canal

Dentists prefer to treat infections quickly. If your tooth abscess is large or involves the root, you may need an emergency root canal. During the root canal, the dentist cleans out the tooth’s pulp. The inside of the tooth and root get cleaned to ensure all the infection is gone. You may need a second appointment to get the filling and crown. When there is a dental abscess, the dentist often prefers to ensure the infection is gone before adding a filling. 


It is important to pay attention to dental pain or sensitivity. An abscess may present with minimal pain in the early stages. Many people do not feel small cracks in their teeth, either. If you know your tooth is broken, pay attention to tooth abscess symptoms or intensification of pain. Teeth with cracks or decay can become infected much easier than healthy teeth. Make an appointment with an Emergency Dentist to get started on treatment for your abscess. 


One of the best ways to maintain dental health is to visit your dentist in Houston regularly. Routine cleanings and exams help prevent gum disease, decay, and infections. Make an appointment with your dentist when you first notice pain, sensitivity, or swelling. Getting an abscess treated quickly is important to avoid a serious infection. You can prevent an abscess by getting cavities filled, treating gum disease, and repairing broken teeth. Cavities and cracks in the teeth leave room for bacteria to enter. A small cut in your gums can also allow bacteria to enter. This bacteria can lead to an infection. If the infection is in your tooth, you may feel pain in your tooth or jaw. You may even have headaches. A gum abscess is easier to see as it causes a swollen, pus-filled spot on your gums. The infection can spread quickly when it is not treated. You may need to take antibiotics and have the abscess drained. A root canal is often necessary to remedy a tooth abscess.

In severe cases, the dentist may perform an extraction. Advanced infections can move into your jawbone. This results in bone damage that can take several months to heal. Although it is rare, a tooth abscess can cause sepsis. This is when the infection moves into your bloodstream. This can quickly become a fatal condition. Visit your dentist immediately when you experience pain to catch problems before they become dangerous. You can often get fast relief for a tooth or gum abscess. Dental abscess symptoms are easy to prevent. Make sure to visit the dentist regularly so we can help prevent dental problems. Book your appointment now.

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