A tooth abscess is a tooth infection that can cause severe discomfort and toothache. A person with this tooth infection is said to have abscessed teeth. Abscessed teeth can occur when a broken or decayed tooth is left untreated and bacteria from the mouth gains access to the tooth pulp thereby infecting it. Also, untreated gum abscess can cause tooth infection. The risk is higher when the gum disease is at an advanced stage.
Ordinarily, the tooth enamel serves to protect the tooth from bacteria found in the mouth. Now, in a case where there is decay, this source of protection might easily become eroded thereby giving room for a bacterial infection to occur. Also, a broken or cracked tooth might expose the tooth pulp to bacterial infection. When bacteria infect the tooth pulp, pus develops and accumulates due to the response by the body’s defense mechanism. This pus accumulation can begin to swell and eventually a pocket forms at the tip of the tooth roots due to lack of space in the solid tooth. This situation is known as periapical abscess and the inflammation and pressure it brings can cause major discomfort and aches in the tooth.
If you happen to have an abscessed tooth what can you do about it though, to get relief from the aches? Let us consider a few home remedies you can use for relief before going to the dentist who would administer one of the best treatment for your tooth infection.
Symptoms of An Infected Tooth
A toothache is a very common indication of a tooth infection making it hard to chew. Other symptoms may include; Inflammation of gum tissue, swell in the neck glands, bad breath, a bitter taste in the mouth, fever and tooth sensitivity.
Home Remedies For Tooth Infection (Pain Relief)
If you have a tooth infection, there is a very high chance that you would experience toothaches from time to time. Though the aches may cease at intervals, it does not mean the situation should be taken lightly. This is because as more time passes without addressing the abscess, the risk of developing serious complications would increase. However, due to the discomfort that the pains might cause, a few home remedies for relief are listed below – pending when a dentist can be visited.
- Rinse Mouth With Warm Salt Water – When you rinse your mouth with warm salt water twice or three times in a day, it can provide relief from the pain. This method is highly potent in cases where the infection was caused by gum disease. The antiseptic nature of the warm salt water, in this case, serves to destroy the bacteria in the area that is infected.
- Floss – Removal of plaque and particles of food from the painful tooth or teeth may bring about pain reduction and inflammation reduction.
- Elevate Head When Sleeping – Elevating your head when sleeping or having a rest can relieve the pressure in the toothache area thereby easing the pains felt.
- Apply Thyme Oil – Applying thyme oil on the affected area can reduce the pain felt. Thyme oil is a very potent natural substance and it can destroy parasitic microbes such as bacteria and reduce swelling as well.
- Acidic or Sugary Food Should Be Avoided – They can alter the mouth pH and cause demineralization. This puts added risks on the tooth increasing chances for the pain to occur.
- Use of Over The Counter Pain Relief Medication – These should be taken according to prescription and it is inadvisable to place such drugs directly on the gum tissue or the tooth. They could cause burning of the tissues.
- Stay Away From Food With Extreme Temperature – Whether too hot or too cold, such foods and drinks should be avoided. An abscessed tooth is likely eroded so food with extreme temperature can cause pains due to sensitivity.
- Use Baking Soda – Swish a mixture of baking soda, salt and water in your mouth for 5 minutes and then spit out. Doing this twice or 3 times every day can lessen pains from a tooth infection.
One of the Best Treatment For Abscess
For treatment of abscessed tooth, a dental infection treatment dentist should be visited. The dentist first examines the teeth and then uses an X-ray to check for the location of the abscess and to check its spread to other parts. Root canal treatment is one of the best treatment usually applied.
During root canal treatment, the dentist cleans and removes the bacteria from the inner part of your tooth, then he shapes the root canals and fills it. He then proceeds to cover the space using a seal made of rubber. Application of antibiotic drugs during treatment is a possibility if your dentist deems it fit to stall the spread of the infection. In some cases when the infection has spread and there is an extensive damage and also, a lot of bones or tissues are either missing or misplaced, then the tooth is removed. Also, If the abscessed tooth is a wisdom tooth then most likely, your dentist would extract it all together. Your 24 Hour emergency dentist near me can, however, use other methods of tooth restoration such as fixing crowns to restore the full function and appearance of your tooth.
In infants, one of the best solution for an abscessed tooth would be the total removable of the tooth. This is more expedient in the case when the infection has become critical and it is difficult to take out just the infection.
Adverse Effects
When a tooth infection in the form of the abscess is left untreated, it can result in more serious medical complications. An example of such is Ludwig Angina which is a cellulitis. Ludwig Angina is the swelling of the mandibles bilaterally and is a very serious medical condition as it can lead to one being hospitalized and placed on IV antibiotics treatment.
If you suspect you have a tooth infection, please do not hesitate to visit your emergency dentist office near me for diagnosis and treatment. An early visit to the dentist just might get to save your teeth. Even if you don’t have a tooth infection, it is still advisable to visit a dentist for regular checkups to boost oral health generally and also to prevent an abscess from happening any time soon or ever.