
Recognizing an Infection: Wisdom Tooth Inflammation

Most dentists begin to look out for wisdom tooth eruption when patients are in their late teens. They may not come in until the early 20’s, however. It is important to pay attention to changes in your dental health during these years. Infections can worsen quickly when you do not inform the dentist of your discomfort. Bacteria can easily build up in between teeth or in the gums near new wisdom teeth. This can lead to a painful infection. When you know what to look out for, you can get help before the infection progresses. Impacted wisdom teeth may grow in partially, leaving a vulnerable area in the gums. Bacteria can enter through small openings and contribute to an infection. There is often a flap of the gums left when a tooth is partially erupted. This makes it difficult to clean your mouth properly. Food can easily get stuck in between the loose gums. If your wisdom teeth are growing in well, the dentist may simply remove the flap of gum tissue and treat the infection. You may need antibiotics or the dentist may drain the abscess. If x-rays show problems with your wisdom teeth, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon. A little discomfort may not represent an infection. Some people are sensitive to the effects of new teeth growing in. You should still call your dentist for a checkup, as this could indicate the beginning of a problem.  Visit the dentist for routine cleanings and exams so problems with wisdom teeth are noticed early and resolved properly. 

Where to Get Help for Wisdom Tooth Inflammation

You may need to go to the dentist to simply diagnose pain. Some people do not differentiate wisdom tooth inflammation from other tooth pain. Your general dentist can diagnose problems with your wisdom teeth and refer you to a specialist, if necessary. If you need surgery to remove your wisdom teeth, you must visit an oral surgeon. 

When is wisdom tooth removal necessary?

Wisdom teeth are removed when they are impacted or growing in the wrong way. They are also removed if your mouth is too small for them to fit comfortably. Emergency Dentist can diagnose your wisdom tooth problems. 

Recognizing Wisdom Tooth Pain and Swelling

Dental patients should pay close attention to changes in their mouth when it is time for wisdom teeth to erupt. Your dentist can show you the x-rays and talk to you about the next treatment steps. Be sure to call if you notice symptoms of problematic wisdom teeth. 

  • Swelling in the gums
  • Pain when biting down 
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain on the side of your face
  • Swollen jaw
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Problems opening your mouth

On average, when do wisdom teeth come in?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. 

Diagnosing Wisdom Tooth Pain 

When you notice pain near you wisdom teeth, you need to get a professional diagnosis. The dentist may rely on x-rays and an exam. Only a dentist can discover the underlying cause of your pain. Wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems. 

  • Decay 
  • Abscess
  • Impacted teeth
  • Not enough space in your mouth
  • Partially erupted (leaves the gums vulnerable to infection)
  • Pushing on other teeth (they can grow in sideways or crooked)

Do I need a wisdom tooth extraction?

Many people need a wisdom tooth extraction to maintain their oral health and comfort. You may need a wisdom tooth extraction if you have severe decay, lack of room in your mouth, or impacted teeth. Wisdom teeth removal is also initiated if the teeth grow in crooked. 

When Surgery is Necessary: Impacted Wisdom Teeth

It is common to have impacted wisdom teeth. Modern dentistry has made it much easier to anticipate problems, however. Your x-rays show the location of your wisdom teeth and the direction they are headed. An oral surgeon can perform an impacted wisdom teeth removal before the teeth cause pain.

 If the tooth is allowed to move too far, you may experience severe pain as it pushes against your other teeth or hits nerves. Emergency surgery is necessary in some instances for wisdom tooth pain relief. Emergency Dentist can help you discover the best treatment option for wisdom tooth pain. 

When is a good age to get your wisdom teeth removed?

Some people need a wisdom tooth removed as soon as they begin to move to the surface. Impacted wisdom teeth cannot stay in the mouth. Pain and infection can begin soon after an impacted tooth hits another tooth or breaks through the gum line. The age of eruption is different for each patient. There is no set age for removal. Extraction age depends on the movement of the teeth. This usually happens during late adolescence or early adulthood. 

Who Extracts Wisdom Teeth? 

Your dentist refers you to an oral surgeon to deal with impacted wisdom teeth. A simple extraction of erupted teeth can take place at a general dentist office. When it is time to get a wisdom tooth extracted, your regular dentist can make a treatment plan or refer you to a specialist. A doctor in Houston, TX 77022 can help you make a plan for wisdom tooth treatment. 

How to Get an Emergency Appointment for Intense Wisdom Tooth Pain

There are times when wisdom teeth contribute to an emergency situation. If you let decay or infection progresses without treatment, pain may intensify. You may also begin to have serious symptoms, such as a swollen face, fever, or non-stop pain. 

Call your dentist immediately if you experience pain. Your dentist may work you in to the schedule or send you to an emergency clinic. Pain may not dissipate until you get the teeth removed. If an infection is present, the dentist can treat with antibiotics or drain the abscess. A cavity in a wisdom tooth can also cause severe pain. The dentist decides on a treatment after examining your teeth. 

Prepare for Having your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If you do not need emergency treatment, you may have a little time to prepare for your extraction. Meet with your dentist or oral surgeon to discuss the procedure and ask questions. You can also get a recommendation for post-surgery pain relief. Purchase some ice packs and soft foods for your first few days at home, as well. 


It is necessary to call the dentist for any pain in your mouth. An infection can cause a lot of pain and may progress to a more serious illness. Wisdom teeth are often difficult to assess, as they may not fully erupt. This leaves the gums open to bacteria. Impacted wisdom teeth require surgery. Call Emergency Dentist to get relief from wisdom tooth pain.


Wisdom teeth usually break through in the late adolescent years or early adult years. Dentists are usually good at monitoring the progress with x-rays. It is important for parents to take their teens to the dentist for routine exams. Thes regular appointments make it easier for dentists to notice wisdom teeth before they cause big problems. Patients may get a referral to a surgeon if the wisdom teeth are impacted or in a difficult position. Surgical removals require anesthesia and you must take a day or two off of work. It can take up to two weeks to recover completely after an impacted wisdom tooth removal. If your wisdom teeth break through the gum line, you can often get them removed with a simple extraction. Some people are able to keep their wisdom teeth. If you notice pain or swelling you may have an infection. Wisdom teeth may come in at odd angles. This can make it difficult to clean them properly. Food and bacteria can become trapped between your teeth. This can lead to an infection in your wisdom tooth or teeth near them. A damaged wisdom tooth can also open the door for bacteria. A decayed or broken wisdom tooth puts you at risk. Seek help from your dentist immediately if you notice pain in or near your wisdom teeth.

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