Understanding The Costs Of Emergency Dental Care
Dental emergencies occur when least expected. These unexpected occurrences affect more than your health. You may have difficulty eating, drinking, talking, or working because dental emergencies can disrupt your life.
Concerns about the costs of emergency dental care deter some from seeking the treatment they need if they’re concerned they can’t afford to pay for care. Understanding the costs and how to afford emergency dental care can reassure you that you can cover the costs of the care you need.
What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies are serious health matters that will not heal without treatment. Dental emergencies include the following:
- Broken dental appliance: Dental appliances include bridges, crowns, braces, and dentures. These appliances may conceal damage, improve your appearance, or strengthen teeth. Broken appliances can’t do their job effectively, and broken pieces can penetrate your gums, tongue, lips, or the sides of your mouth.
- Cracked tooth: A crack weakens your tooth, enabling bacteria to get inside the tooth, causing an infection. Immediately treating a cracked tooth prevents further damage.
- Dental abscess: Bacterial infections can cause pus to build up inside your bones, gums, or teeth. Without treatment, a dental abscess can affect your ability to breathe. Symptoms include severe pain, fever, and difficulty opening your mouth.
- Dislodged tooth: You could have a tooth knocked out because of an accident or facial trauma. Sometimes, an emergency dentist can return your tooth to its socket and save it.
- Partially dislodged tooth: Trauma or health issues, like gum disease, can partially dislodge or loosen a tooth. Prompt treatment is crucial and increases the chances of saving the tooth.
- Soft tissue injury: Soft tissue injuries include deep cuts and busted lips.
- Tooth infection: Dental infections can cause gingivitis and periodontitis. They need prompt treatment, or they can spread throughout the body and potentially affect the lungs, heart, and brain.
How Much Does Emergency Dental Care Cost?
It costs more for emergency dental care than it does for preventative dental care, and the price will vary depending on the services you need. The reasons for the increased costs include the following:
- Nature of the dental issue: Dental emergencies are severe oral health issues and require extensive treatment, which increases the costs of care.
- Need for specialized care: Some dental emergencies require treatment from specialists. For example, if you’re dealing with broken braces, you may need to see an emergency dentist and orthodontist.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Emergency Dental Services?
Dental insurance covers checkups, teeth cleanings, and other oral health treatments. Many insurance plans provide coverage for emergency dental services as well. It’s crucial you check your plan to understand what it covers and how much you can expect to pay out of pocket for emergency care.
What If You Don’t Have Insurance But Have A Dental Emergency?
You may have concerns about the costs of emergency dental care, particularly if you don’t have dental insurance that covers emergency care. However, dental emergencies will worsen without prompt treatment and put you at risk of additional oral and physical health issues. The most affordable option you have is to seek treatment as soon as you realize you have a dental emergency.
URBN Dental offers the following financing options for those who need emergency care but do not have dental insurance:
- CareCredit: CareCredit processes financing applications promptly so you can use your financing for emergency dental care. They work with clients to create manageable repayment plans so you can get prompt emergency care.
- Proceed Finance: Proceed Finance and Sunbit offer a repayment plan tailored to your budget. Using Proceed Finance allows you to afford the emergency care you need without unmanageable monthly payments that cause financial hardships. They process financing applications quickly and give you immediate access to coverage.
URBN Dental also accepts all major credit cards, allowing you to charge your emergency care costs.
How Quickly Can You Get In To Be Seen For A Dental Emergency?
We have an emergency dentist in Houston who is available 24/7. Our dental offices keep slots open throughout the day so those with an emergency can walk in or call ahead to schedule an emergency appointment. When you call ahead, we can tell you which office can provide the fastest care, enabling you to receive treatment as soon as possible.
URBN Dental Is Houston’s Top Emergency Dental Provider
URBN Dental provides expert emergency dental care services in Houston and the surrounding area. Our dental offices are equipped to handle dental emergencies, and our emergency dentist is available around the clock, giving you access to expert emergency care.
Find your nearest URBN Dental location via our website, call us to find out which offices can provide immediate emergency care, or speak to our emergency dentist.
Berry, J. (2023). Why is my tooth loose, and how do I treat it?
Dental abscess. (2024).
Periodontitis. (2023).