
What is wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is an emergency dentistry procedure wherein your impacted wisdom teeth are removed. Your emergency dentist may recommend wisdom tooth extraction if you have wisdom tooth pain or the signs and symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth. In some cases, however, your dentist may also recommend wisdom tooth extraction if you don’t have active wisdom tooth pain but have a small risk of problems down the line. Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove the impacted wisdom teeth, followed by a small recovery period.

When is wisdom teeth removal necessary?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the extreme back of your mouth. They usually erupt after all other teeth between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth are considered to be vestigial organs because they don’t serve any function and can negatively affect your oral health. Most people opt for wisdom teeth removal at some point because they can cause numerous problems. The following are some of the situations necessitating wisdom teeth removal:

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth are located at the extreme back of your mouth, and they don’t come out properly. The wisdom teeth can also be trapped in your jawbone or underneath the gum line, leading to extreme wisdom tooth pain. In these situations, wisdom tooth extraction can be necessary.
  • Improper Angle: Your wisdom teeth may erupt at an awkward angle, either facing the back or sideways. They can apply pressure on your surrounding teeth and gum issues, thus increasing the risk of misalignment, cavities, and other problems. In this case, wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to save other teeth.
  • Insufficient Space: In most cases, the wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, long after all other permanent teeth have erupted. As such, since your jaw and mouth are fully developed, they might not have enough space for another set of teeth. The wisdom teeth may press against the surrounding teeth and cause overcrowding.
  • Cavities & Gum Disease: You may need a wisdom tooth extraction if you’re experiencing cavities or gum disease. The regions around the wisdom teeth are hotspots for bacterial infection because your brush can’t reach those areas properly, leading to a higher risk of dental decay. Wisdom tooth extraction can be the solution.

What happens before wisdom teeth removal?

If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain, please contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will run x-rays to examine the wisdom teeth and determine if you need wisdom teeth removal. Your dentist will also discuss every step of the procedure. You should inform the dentist about your medical history and all ongoing medications. If you have any questions, please ask them, and you should also take a few days off work to recover after the procedure.

What happens during wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is performed as an in-office, outpatient procedure within 45 minutes under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. This ensures optimal comfort during the procedure. Your dentist or oral surgeon will make a small incision around the gum tissues around the wisdom tooth to reach the underlying bone. The dentist will cut the surrounding bone tissues to dislodge the impacted wisdom tooth and then remove the wisdom tooth piecemeal. Once all the components of your wisdom tooth are removed, the dentist will stitch the wounds to facilitate healing. The sutures will get reabsorbed by the body within a few days.

What is the recovery process after wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is generally performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, so you’ll be awake for the procedure, but you won’t feel any pain. After the procedure, you’ll slowly regain feeling in your mouth as the anesthesia wears off. You should expect some pain and swelling, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications and cold compresses. You will be given specific instructions on when and how to consume certain medications.

During the first 24 hours, you must avoid hot beverages, hard foods, spitting, or sucking. These actions can dislodge the blood clot, causing extreme pain. Most people recover completely from wisdom tooth extraction within 3 days, though extremely complex procedures caused by impacted wisdom teeth may necessitate a longer recovery period. However, the wound left behind can still become infected after several weeks, so you must maintain optimal oral hygiene and inform your emergency dentist of possible signs of infection.

You should inform the emergency dentist if you experience the following complications:

  • Persistent bleeding that doesn’t stop even when you apply a gauze
  • Bleeding or pus formation in your nose
  • Numbness in your mouth
  • Swelling gradually worsens over time
  • Severe pain despite taking pain medications
  • Pain and fever
  • Trouble while breathing or swallowing

How to effectively cure wisdom tooth pain?

If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain, you must contact an emergency dentist in Houston. Wisdom tooth pain indicates that you have an impacted wisdom tooth, so you’ll need an emergency wisdom tooth extraction. Even if your wisdom tooth can be saved, it’s better to get your wisdom tooth removed because it doesn’t serve any functions and can also damage your surrounding teeth.

What is a good treatment for a wisdom tooth turning black?

If your wisdom tooth is turning black, you probably have an extremely severe cavity or dental infection. You must contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible — they will examine your wisdom tooth and perform an emergency wisdom tooth removal. Depending on your condition, the dentist may also recommend other treatments to prevent the infection from spreading.

Schedule your emergency wisdom tooth extraction in Houston today

Emergency Dentist is one of the most reliable dental clinics for emergency dentistry services and wisdom tooth extractions in Houston, TX. If you experience wisdom tooth pain or notice other signs and symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth, please schedule an appointment today.

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