
Wisdom Teeth Recovery: Extractions and Surgery

Wisdom teeth usually grow during the late teenage years or early adult years. There are times when these do not fit well into the mouth or do not grow in the right way. Sometimes they never break through the gums at all. The type of procedure you need to remove your wisdom teeth depends on how they grow in. Some wisdom tooth removals must be scheduled quickly because of severe pain or because they are causing problems with other teeth. It is important to follow your dentist’s instructions during the recovery period so you do not have further problems.

Wisdom Teeth Recovery: The First Few Days

It is important to take time off of work or school before you have your wisdom teeth removed. You may need up to two weeks for a full wisdom teeth recovery. Wisdom tooth extraction is more invasive than traditional extraction. The teeth are further back in the mouth and are often impacted. 

When you first get home from the procedure, you may still be groggy from the anesthesia or sedative. Pain medicine may be administered before you leave the doctor’s office, as well. Expect your face to be swollen and sore. There may also be some bruising to the face. Your jaw can be sore from staying open during the extraction, as well. 

Plan to rest for several days if the removal involves surgery. Talk to your dentist about pain-relieving medication. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may get a prescription pain reliever. If your extraction is not surgical, your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain medication. Take good care of yourself for the quickest recovery.

  • Use ice packs on swollen areas
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions about medication
  • Stay home from work or school and rest
  • avoid hot drinks or rinsing the mouth for at least 24  hours (this can cause problems with the tooth socket wound)
  • Adjust your diet for a few days to help healing (smoothies, soft foods, and no hot beverages) 

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth were a necessary part of life for our ancestors. Diets have changed as the world has become more modernized. Our meat is tender and grains are pounded until they are soft. Genetics seem to be slowly changing, as wisdom teeth often do not fit well into the mouth of many modern humans. There are some cases where people are born without them, as well. 

Wisdom teeth can be left in place if they grow in properly or teeth are moved to make room. Unfortunately, some wisdom teeth do not cooperate. Emergency Dentist can help relieve your wisdom teeth pain. There are a few common reasons to remove wisdom teeth. 

  • Growing in crooked or completely sideways
  • Pushing other teeth out of the way
  • Not enough room in the mouth
  • Impacted
  • Infection
  • pain

What is the solution to wisdom teeth pain?

Wisdom teeth are usually removed when they begin to cause pain. Pan is an indicator there is a problem with the position of the wisdom teeth. 

What to Expect from Erupted Wisdom Teeth Removal

When you dentist recommends wisdom teeth removal, you may have questions about the process. Dentists usually monitor wisdom teeth growing in. This way they can extract them before they cause big problems, if necessary. If your wisdom teeth are coming through the gums, they have erupted. You can have teeth fully erupted or partially erupted wisdom tooth. The extraction of an erupted wisdom tooth may not be as invasive. 

Your dentist may decide to remove the wisdom tooth before it is fully grown in if it is growing the wrong way, causing pain, or causing infection. The process for removal of a fully erupted wisdom tooth is very similar to a traditional extraction. If the tooth is broken or too large, surgery may be necessary to remove the entire tooth. You may be given a choice of local or general anesthesia. The socket may heal faster since the opening is smaller for an erupted tooth. A doctor in Houston, TX 77027 can help you prepare for wisdom tooth removal. 

When is wisdom teeth removal necessary?

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary when you have pain, infection, or an impacted tooth. It is common for wisdom teeth to grow in crooked or fail to erupt. Emergency Dentist can help you end wisdom teeth pain. 

Dealing with Partially Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal

A wisdom tooth eruption is not always complete. If the tooth is growing in at an angle, it may remain partially impacted. You must have a surgical procedure for partially impacted tooth removal. General anesthesia is usually necessary, as a surgical cut must be made in the gums. 

Preparing for Impacted Tooth Extraction

Meet with your dentist for a consultation before the day of your surgery. This gives you a chance to ask questions and learn about the details of the impacted wisdom teeth removal. There are a few things you can do to prepare for surgery and recovery.

  • Take a few days off of work or school
  • Ask a friend or family member to drive you to and from the appointment 
  • Purchase soft foods and items to make smoothies with
  • Ask a friend or family member to stay with you at home for the first night 
  • Purchase your pain medication or fill the prescription
  • Put several ice packs in the freezer to use for swelling

How to deal with pain due to growing wisdom teeth?

A wisdom tooth extraction is usually one of the best way to end wisdom tooth pain. In some cases, you may have orthodontic work to make room for your wisdom teeth. Your dentist may recommend pain medication and ice packs until the day of your surgery. 

When you Only Need a Bottom Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Before you have your bottom wisdom teeth extracted, your dentist may x-ray all of your wisdom teeth. It is important to check the progress of all four of the wisdom teeth before you have a tooth removed. Perhaps the top ones are aligned properly or already erupting. 

The recovery period is the same whether you have 2 or 4 wisdom teeth removed. You may simply be a little more comfortable since only 2 sockets need to heal. Expect to be careful with food and take time off of work, as well. 

Top Wisdom Teeth Removal

All wisdom teeth can cause similar problems. If you only need your top wisdom teeth removed, talk to your dentist about position of your bottom teeth. Sometimes, the dentist recommends removal of all four so you do not need to go under anesthesia again for a second surgery. 

In some cases, however, the bottom wisdom teeth can grow in properly, while the top wisdom teeth cause problems. Ask your dentist what is good for your oral health. Each patient has a unique situation. 

Eating the First Week After 2 Wisdom Teeth Removal

After a couple of days of smoothies and beverages, you may be wondering when you can eat a big meal. The first 24 hours after surgery or an extraction is crucial because the blood needs to clot in the tooth socket. You need to grow new tissue and bone. Sometime during the first week you can start some soft foods, such as mashed potatoes. If you don’t have a blender, get one before the surgery. 

How you May Feel 2 Days After Tooth Extraction

The way you feel after a tooth extraction depends on the severity of the procedure. A traditional extraction is easier to recover from than surgery. Swelling should start to go down in 2 or 3 days. You should notice a big difference after the first week. You may also feel like eating more after 2 days. Follow your doctor’s orders for pain relief so you are comfortable enough to rest, as well. 

Wisdom teeth extractions are a common occurrence in young adults. Dentists can tell when wisdom teeth are coming in the wrong way. Dentists that care for teens and young adults check the wisdom teeth with x-rays during routine visits. Problems are usually noticed before they cause major pain. Visit Emergency Dentist for sudden tooth pain and wisdom teeth problems. 


When your dentist tells you that your wisdom teeth must come out, you may wonder about the recovery period. It can take up to two weeks to feel fully recovered from the removal of your wisdom teeth. If your wisdom teeth erupt completely, you may be able to avoid surgery. Many people, however, must have their wisdom teeth removed because they do not grow in properly. They may never come through the gums completely. Surgery is necessary, even if the tooth is only partially impacted. An incision must be made in the gums for the dentist to reach the impacted part of the tooth. You need someone to drive you to and from a wisdom tooth removal procedure. These surgeries often require local anesthesia. You cannot drive yourself home after this. You may also have pain medication that makes it unsafe to drive. Plan to rest for at least two days. You must limit your food choices, however, for a longer time. It is especially important to avoid hot beverages and rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours. The blood needs to clot well and stay in place in the tooth socket. Over time, your tissue and bone fills in this space. Talk to your dentist in Houston about pain relief, eating, and follow-up visits. During recovery, call your dentist if you have increased pain, swelling, or bleeding. You should plan to refrain from heavy physical activity for at least two weeks. Your dentist can help prepare you for wisdom teeth recovery and removal. You may have a consultation with an dentist if you need surgery for impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth growing in the wrong direction can cause a lot of pain. Once the recovery is complete, you should feel more comfortable.

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