
When are tooth extractions required?

When you have impacted wisdom teeth

Most people know that wisdom tooth extractions are often necessary. The wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to erupt at the back of the mouth, usually in your late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth are considered to be vestigial organs because they don’t serve any real purpose. However, since they erupt after all other teeth have erupted and set in place, the jawbone may not have enough space for another set of teeth.

That’s why the wisdom teeth may grow out at improper angles against the surrounding teeth, thereby putting the surrounding teeth and gum tissues in harm’s way. Wisdom teeth may also remain stuck under the gums (known as impacted wisdom teeth), increasing the risk of gingivitis and other problems. In these situations, wisdom tooth extraction might be necessary. Patients suffering from impacted wisdom teeth generally need a surgical dental extraction.

When you have excessive dental decay and cavities

Tooth extraction might be necessary if you have an unchecked and excessive dental decay or cavity. Most cavities start at the enamel of the teeth, i.e., the outermost layer of the teeth. Cavities on the enamel don’t cause any symptoms or pain because the enamel doesn’t have any nerve endings. However, if you go for regular dental checkups, your dentist may identify the cavity and use dental fillings to seal them shut, thus preventing the decay and infection from spreading deeper.

If you don’t identify the dental cavity at its early stages, it will continue spreading deeper into the tooth until it reaches the pulp chamber, which contains the pulp tissues, blood vessels, and nerve endings. The pulp chamber is also connected to the root canal of the tooth. Once the infection reaches the pulp chamber, you have no option but to undergo root canal therapy to kill the infection before it damages the entire tooth. But if you still don’t seek treatment, you may eventually need a tooth extraction.

If you continue avoiding emergency dental extractions, the infection may also spread to the surrounding teeth, gum tissues, bone, and your bloodstream. In that case, the infection can cause multiple teeth loss, gingivitis, and various other health problems, such as diabetes, respiratory problems, strokes, and much more.

When you have overcrowded teeth

You may need tooth extractions if you have overcrowded teeth because of a lack of space in your jawbone. If your jawbone doesn’t have enough space, your teeth will crow against each other, leading to misalignment. This is a major problem because it affects the overall health of your teeth, increases the risk of wear and tear, and it may lead to gingivitis and dental decay. Extracting some of your teeth will allow you to undergo orthodontic treatments to straighten your smile, which can have numerous health benefits.

Other possible reasons to undergo tooth extractions:

  • Severe dental injuries
  • Severe dental fractures
  • Excessively loose teeth
  • Periodontitis
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Minimizing the risk of infections

How do I know if I need a tooth extracted?

Only your dentist can determine if you need to have your tooth extracted. You must consult a reliable dentist who will examine your teeth, review the dental x-rays, and make an intelligent assessment of your teeth. You must find a dentist who only resorts to tooth extractions if absolutely necessary. However, the following are signs and symptoms indicating you may need a tooth extraction:

  • Severe and persistent toothaches
  • Jaw pain and stiffness
  • Gum swelling and bleeding around one tooth
  • Severe dental infection or decay
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Severely damaged tooth
  • Extremely loose tooth

How does the tooth extraction procedure work?

Your dentist may perform a simple or surgical dental extraction procedure, depending on the affected tooth. Simple tooth extraction is generally performed for teeth that have erupted completely from the jawbone. Surgical tooth extraction is generally necessary for impacted teeth stuck under the gum line. Your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and take x-rays to determine if you need a simple tooth extraction or surgical dental extraction.

Simple Tooth Extraction

A simple dental extraction is performed under local anesthesia. You don’t feel any pain or discomfort. The dentist uses a special instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth from the socket, and then it’s removed using forceps.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

A surgical dental extraction is performed using local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The dentist may also use general anesthesia in some rare cases, which will allow you to sleep through the procedure. During the procedure, the oral surgeon cuts into the gum tissues to remove the bone around the tooth and then extract the tooth one piece at a time.

If I think I need a tooth extraction, how soon should I see my dentist?

If you believe you need a tooth extraction because of severe dental fractures, injuries, bleeding, or other signs and symptoms, you need to consult a dentist immediately. You may not actually need a tooth extraction — only a dentist can determine if you need a tooth extraction after performing tests. However, even if you don’t need a dental extraction, you may still have a dental emergency, and the dentist might be able to save your tooth if you act promptly. That’s why you must schedule an emergency dental visit without delay.

Schedule your emergency tooth removal procedure in Houston, TX

URBN Dental is a state-of-the-art dental clinic specializing in emergency dentistry services in Houston. Our dentists only perform tooth extractions, and the emergency tooth pulling procedure is absolutely necessary. If you have the signs and symptoms of a damaged tooth, please schedule your emergency tooth removal procedure at our dental clinic in Uptown or Midtown Houston.

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